
Congressmen Parachute Jump Over Normandy To Honor D-Day Heroes

Photo by Archive Holdings Inc./Via Getty Images

Jeff Charles Contributor
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A group of American lawmakers honored the bravery of World War II veterans who participated in the storming of Normandy in France with a parachute jump using some of the same planes that were used during the war 80 years ago.

The lawmakers participating in the jump are military veterans, including Republican Reps. Michael Waltz and Cory Mills of Florida, Dan Crenshaw and Ronny Jackson of Texas, Rich McCormick of Georgia, Mark Green of Tennessee and Darrell Issa of Ohio, as well as Democratic Rep. Jason Crow of Colorado.

Before the jump, Crow told ABC News that the jump is aimed at “recognizing service and sacrifice” and remembering that “America is at its best when we come together, unite under common cause and purpose.”

Before heading to France for the event, Crow told reporters that “in an era where we’re wondering about our place in the world, about American leadership, this is a reminder that American leadership matters.”

Waltz, who was the first Green Beret to serve in Congress, said that “American people need to see” lawmakers from both parties unite.

“If we’re all in a tank or a ship or a plane together just a few years ago, as veterans, as Americans, we’re all willing to die together and we should be able to roll up our sleeves and get things done,” the lawmaker said.

Mills recorded his jump from the C-47 Skytrain.

Republican Texas Rep. Keith Self did a solo skydive on Friday over Mont Saint-Michel, another city in France, to commemorate D-Day as well, according to Arkansas Online.

U.S. veterans also did a parachute jump on Thursday to recognize those who fought and died on the shores that day.