
Biden’s Approval Rating Hits All-Time Low: POLL

(Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

Reagan Reese White House Correspondent
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President Joe Biden’s approval rating hit an all-time low mark in a poll conducted by FiveThirtyEight.

With less than five months to go until the 2024 election, Biden’s approval rating hit a low of 37.4% on Monday, according to a FiveThirtyEight average. The president’s previous lowest approval rating came in July 2022 when it hovered just above 37.9%. (RELATED: Biden’s One Big Election Advantage Is Quickly Being Erased)

Biden is also trailing in hypothetical matchups against former President Donald Trump both nationally and across key swing states. The president has continued to battle concerns about his age and backlash from the Israel-Hamas war while trying to make a case for his reelection bid.

Over the course of the 2024 election season, Biden and the Democratic National Committee have continued to out raise Trump and his counterpart, the Republican National Committee. In April, however, the RNC and Trump raised $25 million more than Biden and the DNC, the first time in the election cycle. And following Trump’s guilty conviction in Manhattan, the former president’s reelection team raised  $54.8 million in 24 hours following the verdict. For the month of May, the Trump campaign says it raised $141 million, but the Biden campaign has not mentioned what it brought in.

The cash advantage that Biden once had, despite the polls and low approval ratings, might be quickly fading, strategists previously told the Daily Caller.

“This was a much needed shot in the arm, and although I anticipate Biden and the entire Democratic apparatus having more money, just like they’ve had going back to 2016, Trump needs enough to make sure that they can run the kind of ground game and turnout effort that he needs to win,” Scott Jennings,  a longtime GOP adviser in Kentucky and veteran of numerous campaigns, told the Caller.

“When I think about what Trump would do with a massive cash infusion, my mind immediately goes to, oh, he’s going to put this into a ground game to ensure that these mid- to low-propensity voters actually come out. And if he’s able to do that and jack up the turnout among that audience, he’s going to win,” he added.