
‘Biden Is A Drag On The Ticket’: Jake Tapper Presses Dem Senator On Biden’s Low Swing State Polls

[Screenshot/CNN/"State of the Union"]

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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CNN host Jake Tapper pressed Democratic Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy Sunday over President Joe Biden’s low polling in major swing states despite other Democrats polling well.

Murphy appeared on “State of the Union” to discuss the race between Biden and former President Donald Trump as the 2024 elections grow closer. After highlighting Biden’s recent fundraiser among Hollywood’s elite this weekend, Tapper questioned Murphy on recent polls showing Biden “trailing” Trump in major battleground states. (RELATED: Biden’s Approval Rating Hits All-Time Low: POLL)

“Let‘s talk about the campaign because Trump was in battleground Michigan last night making a pitch to African American voters. Polls show Biden trailing Trump in key battleground states and polling well behind your Senate colleagues who are running for reelection,” Tapper began.

“Look at this New York Times poll from last month, Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin is up nine points in Wisconsin — Biden‘s only up two points. Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey, up five in PA —  Biden‘s down three. Arizona Congressman Ruben Gallego running for Senate in Arizona, up four — Biden down seven. Nevada Senator Jacky Rosen, up two in Nevada — Biden‘s down 12. How can you look at these statistics, these numbers, and not conclude that Joe Biden is a drag on the ticket?”

“Oh, that‘s not going to be the case,” Murphy responded.

Tapper jumped in to note to Murphy what the “numbers” are showing, emphasizing how Biden is falling behind in the major states for Democrats.

“But look! Look at the numbers. I mean, you‘re happy for your colleagues, I‘m sure, but Biden is is under-polling all of them,” Tapper jumped in.

“That’s one poll. I can also show you 60 other polls that show that Joe Biden is in the lead. There are plenty of polls in swing states that show that Joe Biden has a small lead. This is going to be a close race, there‘s no doubt about it,” Murphy said.

“But what we have consistently seen is that Democrats are outperforming polls because we‘re seeing a surge of turnout, especially young people who are freaked out, that Republicans led by Donald Trump are going to take away their right to reproductive healthcare, are going to destroy our democracy. I think this is going to be a close race, but I have no doubt that Joe Biden is going to win and he‘s going to lead Senate Democrats to hold the majority.”

Polls conducted by the New York Times and Siena College in May show Trump leading Biden in a head-to-head with five of the six key swing states in the 2024 election — Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia and Pennsylvania. While Biden is polling to only lead the former president in one battleground state, Wisconsin, data shows that over 70% of voters surveyed stated both the country’s economic and political systems need “major changes” as only 13% believe that Biden could make the adjustments in a second term.