
Whoopi Goldberg Says She Ate Cat Treats In Middle Of The Night

[Screenshot/The View]

Nicole Silverio Media Reporter
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“The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg described accidentally eating cat treats in the middle of the night during Monday’s panel.

Goldberg’s daughter left out treats next to a bag of pretzels at the end of the co-host’s bed for their cat. The co-host woke up in the middle of the night to reach for some pretzels when she discovered a surprise taste.

“I got home, perhaps I was a little more jet lagged than I realized. I was not high, I had nothing to drink, it is two in the morning and I had these wonderful pretzels called Dot’s pretzels which I love … So my kid decided that she was gonna leave some cat treats on the other side of my bed so that if the cat wanted some treats, she’d go up there and get them because I wasn’t gonna get up. But, this daughter of mine put a bag of the cat treats, she put them right next to the Dot’s.”

“So 2 a.m. … you know what’s coming. I pop up at 2 a.m. and I’m thinking, ‘where am I, what country is this? Oh the hell with it, I need some Dot’s.’ So I reach over and I put some Dot’s in my hand and put them in my mouth. And I’m chewing and I’m thinking, well, maybe they’re a little stale,” she continued.

Still thinking they were pretzels, Goldberg then poured more treats into her hands and tasted them. She then realized she did not chew on pretzels, but rather crab meat flavored Temptations treats. (RELATED: ‘Sex In The Pool’: Whoopi Leaves Producer Shaking His Head After TMI Rant Derails Segment) 

“Now I just came from the Vatican. And I am eating crabby crab flavor Temptations!” she said.

“Well that shows you God has a sense of humor!” co-host Ana Navarro replied.

“There you go!” Goldberg added.

Goldberg visited Pope Francis along with over 100 other comedians over the weekend at the Vatican in an effort to establish a relationship between the Catholic Church and comedy, according to The New York Times. Francis said comedians “denounce abuses of power” and highlight “inappropriate behavior” while allowing people to “think critically by making them laugh and smile.”