
Former FBI Official Says Dems Are Targeting Federal Judge Because ‘Deck Isn’t Stacked’ Against Trump In Her Courtroom

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A former FBI official said that United States District Judge Aileen Cannon of the Southern District of Florida was being targeted by liberals for removal because the “deck isn’t stacked” against former President Donald Trump in her courtroom.

The United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit announced it would not accept complaints about Cannon’s handling of the classified material case involving Trump in a May 22 order, saying the over 1,000 complaints it had received were part of an “orchestrated campaign.” Former FBI Assistant Director Chris Swecker said on “Mornings with Maria” that Cannon was targeted because she was trying to be fair to Trump on the day Cannon held a hearing to hear a challenge to the constitutionality of the appointment of special counsel Jack Smith. (RELATED: Liberal Lawyers, Anderson Cooper Suggest Trump Docs Judge Is ‘Scared’ For Not Kow-Towing To Jack Smith)


“I say these people don’t know what to do when the deck isn’t stacked in their favor,” Swecker told “Mornings with Maria” host Maria Bartiromo. “There have been 1,000 complaints against the judge, but as the chief circuit court judge for the 11th circuit pointed out, there was an orchestrated campaign against her.”

MSNBC legal analyst Glenn Kirschner called for followers to file complaints against Cannon on his YouTube channel on May 11 after the judge indefinitely delayed Trump’s trial over his alleged mishandling of classified documents. Cannon has faced demands for her recusal over rulings that many on the left view as rulings that are favorable to Trump.

“He just issued a ruling, it’s posted on the district court website, that said the clerk is not to take any more complaints from the public, that there’s no evidence of any bias on the part of this judge and that there’s no reason for recusal simply because she was appointed by President Trump,” Swecker told Bartiromo. “So, it’s clearly sort of a far left-wing attempt to, again, try to stack — get rid of her and stack the deck. They don’t know what to do when the deck isn’t stacked.”

Cannon previously ordered the appointment of a special master to review documents seized during the Aug. 8, 2022, raid on Mar-a-Lago, but the ruling was later overturned on appeal by the United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit.


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