Video Shows Man Wielding Frying Pan Against Burglar


Mariane Angela Entertainment And News Reporter
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A video captured a Chicago man defending their home against a burglar using a frying pan Thursday, ABC 7 reported.

A Chicago homeowner managed to thwart a burglary attempt using a frying pan, according to ABC 7. The homeowner’s security camera captured the incident. Jason Williams, the homeowner, was returning from work around 3:30 p.m. when he received an alert from his home security system indicating a break-in.

Upon entering his home, Williams quickly looked for a makeshift weapon to defend himself and found a frying pan within reach, the outlet stated. The footage shows Williams confronting the burglar as he came downstairs and then chasing him out of the house with the pan.

“At this point it was fight or flight, and I would rather do the fighting,” Williams told ABC7. His decision to confront the intruder with the frying pan led to a chase around his yard until the police, who were arriving on the scene, arrested the suspect across the street.

Williams expressed relief that the situation did not escalate further, acknowledging that the outcome could have been much different. (RELATED: ‘This Is My Neighborhood’: Good Samaritan Thwarts Burglary Attempt By Knocking Suspect To Ground)

“This could have had a different ending, and I’m glad it had a good one,” Williams said. “My wife’s not happy about the decision I made … probably wouldn’t do it again, but it is what it is.”

Chicago police have confirmed the suspect was taken into custody, although it remains unclear whether any criminal charges have been filed, according to ABC 7.