
ROOKE: The First Presidential Debate Is Obviously Rigged, And Poll Shows Americans Know It

Photo by CHRISTIAN MONTERROSA/AFP via Getty Images

Mary Rooke Commentary and Analysis Writer
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Americans are very aware that President Joe Biden is entering friendly territory at the first presidential debate on Thursday.

If Biden wanted to display normalcy or strength, it won’t happen because most voters believe there is no chance the moderators would remain neutral regarding former President Donald Trump.

Trump supporters have been very vocal about his decision to debate Biden on CNN with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash as the event’s moderators. However, a poll shows that not just Trump allies but most Americans see the glaring impartiality frequently displayed by the network and its hosts.

Around 56% of the Issues & Insights poll voters said they either didn’t approve or were unsure of CNN as the network host for the first presidential debate. The polling gets worse when one looks at the debate hosts Tapper and Bash, both longtime critics of Trump and his supporters. (ROOKE: Obama Got Exactly Want He Wanted With His Biden Investment)

As one of CNN’s top media personalities, Tapper has used his platform to push the Russian collusion hoax and frequently referenced Adolf Hitler when speaking about Trump or his policies. So it’s not shocking that Americans would have such a low opinion of the elite media stooge. Only 30% of voters gave Tapper a positive score, while 75% voted unsure or unfavorable.

Voters are even more unsure of Bash, the polling shows. She has just a 26% favorability rating, with 73% of voters either unsure or downright pessimistic about the CNN personality. This likely has to do with her consistent attacks on Trump and his supporters on her show. Bash even asked Frank Luntz in 2023, “Who are these people?” still wanting to vote for him after “everything that’s going on that happened on January 6.”

Biden’s handlers are hiding him away in Deleware for “debate prep,” which is really code for rest and the likely avalanche of medical intervention he will need to last the whole time. After several embarrassing public moments recently that forced the president’s campaign to claim critics were maliciously editing his videos to make him look bad, the pressure is on Biden (and his medical team) to hold it together. (Trump Finds Unlikely Alliance That Will Drastically Improve His 2024 Chances)

While the bar couldn’t be lower for Biden, now he has to contend with the knowledge that Americans know that Trump is walking into a hostile room with moderators prepping on how to take him down for Biden. All the president has to do is speak seemingly coherent phrases, and elite media will praise this as a Biden win.