
Charlamagne Calls For Black Voters To Quit ‘Being Afraid To Criticize The Democratic Party’

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Radio host Charlamagne Tha God in an interview posted on Monday evening urged black voters to “unlearn” their fear of attacking the Democratic Party.

CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten recently said former President Donald Trump is “careening towards a historic performance” with black voters as polls indicate President Joe Biden is losing significant support among younger African Americans. When “The Young Turks” host Cenk Uygur asked Charlamagne “one thing” he would like black Americans to “unlearn,” the radio host said he wants them to “be able to criticize” Democrats without fear, especially given how many votes the party receives from this demographic. (RELATED: ‘Pay Attention’: MSNBC Panelist Warns Biden Of ‘Big Problem’ Among Black, Arab Voters)


“I think a lot of us know this, but we are not what propaganda has made us seem to be to the world … I guess if we’re talking about politics, I’ll keep it on politics. I think that we should be able to criticize the Democratic Party, right, without people labeling us anything else. If we are the people who vote for them at the high number that we vote for them, we should be able to criticize them and know what is in our best interest to do for the country come November,” Charlamagne said. “We will not get any real change, we will not get the things that we want if we don’t push them and if we don’t criticize them.”

“So I want us to unlearn just going along to get along with the Democratic Party, or any party for that matter, because I don’t feel like black people in particular should be beholden to any particular party. I think that we should only be voting our interests, and we should be voting for issues that directly impact us as a community,” he continued. “So to answer the question, I want us to unlearn being afraid to criticize the Democratic Party, because if we have supported them the way that we’ve supported them all of these years, we should absolutely, positively, be able to criticize them and they should listen and move how we want them to move.”

CNN national politics correspondent Eva McKend recently asserted she can “say with certainty” that Democrats are “worried” about Trump receiving more black votes in the 2024 election.

Charlamagne recently criticized Democrats for engaging in “goofy” actions due to their lack of engagement with urban voters they claim to represent.

“Get off the hill and get to the hood,” he said. “Those black people on the hill got y’all doing corny, goofy stuff … And they got y’all, you know, like, one thing about those elected officials, especially the Democrats, man, they talk about the people they don’t even talk to. You know what I’m saying? And they claim to talk for the people they don’t even talk to.”

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