
‘Leaving The Hole That I Was In’: Young Voters Reveal Why They Are Ditching Biden

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Two young voters told Fox News they would not be voting for Joe Biden in 2024, citing “open borders” and cashless bail as some of the reasons for their move towards the political right.

Biden currently trails former President Donald Trump by 1% in a national head-to-head matchup, according to the RealClearPolling average of polls, with Trump’s lead growing to 2.2% when independent candidates Cornel West and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Green Party candidate Jill Stein are included. The young voters, Becky Oliveira and Grace Guentzel, noted how they had previously surrounded themselves with Democrats and left-wing “culture,” but eventually started to “come out of it.” (RELATED: Former Clinton Pollster Says Biden Needs To Address ‘Tone Deaf’ Policies Or He Won’t Be ‘Reelected’)

“I grew up in the social media culture that was very dominated by left-wing propaganda, for lack of a better word, that was pushed to me through the algorithms, and I accepted it,” Oliveira, who hails from New York City, told “Fox and Friends” co-host Lawrence Jones. “I accepted it wholeheartedly. I loved it. I was very into it, until I started to come out of it and realized that a lot of what I believed was very emotional and not really based in logic or fact.”


“So, once I started to have that realization, it really all came to a head around 2020, when I started to see how Democratic policies were playing out in my city,” Oliveira, who told the New York Post that at the age of 15, she feared that “hordes of KKK” would shoot her for being Hispanic after Trump’s 2016 victory, continued. “Cashless bail, for one. The riots after the killing of George Floyd. Madison Avenue being completely decimated by these roving bands of rioters.”

Biden is struggling to maintain his level of support in the 2020 election from black, Hispanic and young voters in the current campaign. Guentzel described herself as being “surrounded” by Democrats early on, but said her views changed when she looked into things.

“For me, it really came down to just looking at the nuance and doing my own research,” Guentzel said. “I feel like I surrounded myself with a lot of Democrats and was kind of in that culture, so it was normal for me, but I think once I started to do my research and understand the nuance, because I kind of saw things as very one-sided, but once I kind of got out of that … cycle and stopped only surrounding myself with one kind of people, I think I started kind of leaving the hole that I was in and … came more towards the right.”

Oliveira told Jones she was voting for Trump in November, while Guentzel had not decided who to vote for.

“For me, I just know that I won’t be voting for Joe Biden because I know we can’t have another four years of open borders and things of that nature,” Gruentzel told Jones.

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