
‘His Record Is What’s On Trial’: Josh Hawley Torches Biden Over Damaging Policy Fallout

[Screenshot/Fox News/"The Ingraham Angle"]

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Republican Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley torched President Joe Biden’s policy fallout Tuesday on Fox News.

Hawley appeared on “The Ingraham Angle” to discuss the first presidential debate between former President Donald Trump and Biden on Thursday. Following a clip played from a CNN interview with reporter Maggie Haberman in which she states she’s worried about Trump being “very mean,” Fox guest host Kayleigh McEnany questioned the senator on the comment. (RELATED: Biden Team Reportedly In Denial About President Getting Trounced In Polls By Trump)

“Well, the big worry ought to be the facts,” Hawley said. “I mean, here’s the question to pose to Joe Biden [and] to the American people — do you like chaos here? Because that’s what you got under Joe Biden. Do you like chaos here at home? Do you like chaos overseas? How many wars were we in when Donald Trump was president? Zero. How many are we in now with Joe Biden? It’s hard to keep track.”

“What was gas under Donald Trump? I mean you could afford it,”  he continued. “What is it now? Nobody can fill their cars up. We can go down the list. It’s total chaos and disaster, Kayleigh, and that’s why Biden wants to talk about anything, anything other than his record. But his record is what is on trial here. This is a referendum on him. That’s what this election is about.”

McEnany continued to call out the “referendum on Trump and personality” as she highlighted a recent New York Times piece by Hillary Clinton stating the expectations for Trump are “so low.”

“This election is about Joe Biden and what he has done to this country,” Hawley responded. “That’s the choice for the country. Do you want more [of] Joe Biden? Do you like paying this much for gas? Do you like having your mortgage this high? Do you like interest rates at this level? Do you like 9 million Illegal immigrants coming into this country and committing these crimes? That’s what it is about, it’s about Joe Biden. The choice is really simple. If you don’t want your lives, your kids, and your neighborhoods in total chaos — time to vote for Trump.”

Polls have continuously shown that voters’ top concerns are related to economic issues and border security, with a large percentage doubting Biden could bring solutions within a second term. According to a March poll conducted by Gallup, the top national issues for Americans are crime and violence, hunger and homelessness, the economy, the availability and affordability of healthcare, federal spending and the budget deficit.

Additional issues “highly concerning” voters also included illegal immigration, drug use, Social Security and the possibility of future terrorist attacks in the U.S. which all polled over 40%, according to the data.

Another Gallup from March showed that not only was Biden’s approval rating at 40% among Americans, but 37% approved of his handling of the economy, 33% approved of his handling on foreign affairs, and 27% approved of his direction for the Israel-Palestine conflict.