
Mayor Calls County Judge’s Fiancée A ‘Nerd,’ Provoking Response

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Brandy Perez Contributor
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The mayor of Houston commented on the appearance of the Harris County Judge’s fiancée online, provoking a response, according to Houston Public Media.

Houston Mayor, John Whitmire wrote on Facebook that Lina Hidalgo’s groom-to-be “sure looks like a nerd” under a post the Harris County Judge had uploaded of her bridal shower, according to Houston Public Media. The comment has reportedly since been deleted. Many of Hidalgo’s followers spotted the comment and took screenshots, which were obtained by Houston Public Media.

The Harris County Judge told the outlet she was baffled by the comment. “It’s such a happy time for me. So, I don’t know why someone would do something so cruel, but obviously, you know, I’ve been in politics long enough,” she reportedly said.

A spokesperson from Whitmire’s team told the outlet the mayor was “having a light hearted moment and meant no harm. He congratulates the happy couple and wishes them well.”

Hidalgo thanked the mayor for removing the comment in a video obtained by KHOU 11. “Not only is he a nerd, but I’m a nerd, too and I can’t wait for us to get married,” she added.

The Texas officials have had a strained relationship since Whitmire’s mayoral win, according to Houston Public Media. Hidalgo had reportedly endorsed Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s mayoral campaign against him in 2023. (Related: Dem Rep Loses Mayoral Race After Shocking Leaked Audio, Botched Ad)

Their tension has been sensed publicly, especially during a joint press conference following a fatal storm in Houston, Houston Public Media previously reported. They reportedly argued over the order of speakers at the podium for the press conference, leading to the mayor saying, “I’m glad I made the approval list.”

“Mayor, this is a disaster. Now is not the time,” Hidalgo responded, according to the outlet.