
Dems Pull Every Excuse In The Book To Avoid Confronting Biden’s Abysmal Debate Performance

Derek White/Getty Images for DNC

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Democratic lawmakers went to great lengths to avoid questions from reporters about President Biden’s debate performance Friday, NOTUS reported.

Democrats pulled out every excuse in the book to avoid speaking to NOTUS reporters, according to the outlet.

Democratic Pennsylvania Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon told reporters she had recently undergone bloodwork and had to eat, the outlet reported. Democratic Wisconsin Rep. Mark Pocan reportedly told them he was “very contagious” with a surgical mask over his face, adding that he could not answer their questions.

Democratic Nevada Rep. Steven Horsford used one of the oldest tricks in the book, pulling out his cellphone and pretending to be on a call while clearly displaying his phone’s home screen and mouthing words without saying anything, according to the outlet.

The pressure is on the Dems and Biden allies after the President delivered a debate performance broadly panned by even liberal media, with scores of op-eds by  The New York Times and The Atlantic calling for Biden to step down peppering the outlets’ front pages.

Pundits from deep within Biden’s influence sphere couldn’t help concur with the broad sentiment that Biden blew it. CNN’s Van Jones, who served as a special advisor to former President Barack Obama, added to the left’s malaise after the performance.

“I love that guy,” Jones said of Biden. ” … But he had a test to meet tonight to restore the confidence of the country and of the base and he failed to do that. I think there‘s a lot of people who are going to want to see him consider taking a different course now.” (RELATED: ‘So F*cking Awful’: Ex-Obama Aides Have Total Meltdown After Biden’s ‘Disaster’ Debate)

While many of Biden’s allies openly opined that the party needed to replace him, the Biden camp remained defiant.

“Of course he’s not dropping out,” Biden campaign spokesperson Seth Schuster told The Hill.

While no lawmakers have publicly called for Biden to step aside as of yet, even the ones who were willing to speak on record offered tepid support at best.

“There is a great responsibility being borne by he and the first lady to make the most responsible decision that will enable Democrats to continue to formulate a winning ticket up and down the ticket,” Democratic Illinois Rep. Chuy Garcia told NOTUS.

“There’s a lot of processing that I and many of my colleagues are doing. But it wasn’t a good night,” Democratic California Rep. Jared Huffman said, according to the outlet.