
Jon Stewart Roasts Biden By Showing Montage Of President When He Wasn’t Even Talking

(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Rusty Weiss Contributor
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Jon Stewart offered a scathing review of Joe Biden’s debate performance with a video montage that showed the President when he wasn’t speaking.

Stewart was live hosting a special edition of Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” following the first presidential debate Thursday night between Biden and former President Donald Trump.

“We know the bar that’s been set up for each to pass,” he said of the candidates. “Biden has to not look old and not have a senior moment. Go.”

The comedian highlighted one of the more concerning moments during the debate in which President Biden lost his train of thought for an agonizingly long period before declaring, “We finally beat Medicare!”

The audience could be heard laughing or groaning as Biden spoke. Following the clip, the screen cut to a clearly dismayed Stewart who stated, “I need to call a real estate agent in New Zealand.” (RELATED: Chip Roy Says He Will File 25th Amendment Resolution To Yank Biden From Office After Debate Implosion)

Aside from the concerning statements in Biden’s debate performance — including falsely suggesting the Border Patrol Union endorsed him — Stewart asked whether the President looked better when he simply didn’t speak.

“How did Biden do NOT talking?” he questioned.

The ensuing clip was a montage of the President with what appeared to be a vacant expression — mouth agape or head down — while Trump talked multiple times during the debate.

The video again cut back to Stewart, wide-eyed and forcing a smile through gritted teeth.

“Not great,” he said after a long pause. “But a lot of people have resting 25th Amendment face.” (RELATED: 7 Minutes On Stage With Trump Is All It Took)

Debate analysts remarked that the split-screen setup of the debate had devastating consequences for the President, with Trump often appearing engaged and animated in contrast to Biden.

Stewart also criticized Trump in the segment for what he determined to be falsehoods during the debate. He played a clip of Trump touting his administration. In it, the former President said his administration oversaw “the greatest economy in the history of the country,” asserted it had an exemplary record on involvement in foreign wars and argued it deserved credit for addressing the COVID pandemic. He then argued that the Biden administration had facilitated illegal immigration as well as migrants getting jobs. He also touted the tax cuts he signed as President.

“I didn’t have sex with a porn star,” Trump said in the last cut.

“Just so we’re all clear, everything that Donald Trump said in that clip is a lie,” Stewart said. “Blatant and full.”

Biden’s debate performance has Democrats discussing whether he needs to be replaced before the presidential election in November.