Video Shows Masked Mob Ominously Confronting Jews At Public Library Before They Allegedly Attack Them

Image by Pablo Stanley/Lummi

Ilan Hulkower Contributor
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Monica Buckley uploaded a video Sunday to Instagram of an apparent confrontation she and two others had with a masked pro-Palestine mob at a public library in North Carolina.

Buckley, David Monitz and Bob Campbell alleged that the mob assaulted them Saturday when they attended an event called “Strategic Lessons from the Palestinian Resistance,” WLOS reported. (RELATED: White Dude With African American Studies PhD Arrested For Firebombing Spree)

Both Buckley and Monitz are Jewish, according to WLOS. Campbell is an 80-year-old Navy veteran ill with cancer, the outlet noted.

“The speaker started his speech by celebrating Oct 7. The crowd eventually ‘exposed’ us as Zionists and asked the speaker what they should do with us. He casually mentioned ‘murder’ and then told the crowd to decide how to handle us and watched as they beat up three people,” Buckley alleged on her Instagram account.


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The video showed a crowd of masked people listening to a speaker when one person informed the crowd that “there is live-streaming happening in this room right now.” People could then be heard referring to the person apparently filming, Buckley, and her companions as “Zionists.”

“What a cool talk, right. My guy gets arrested. We have this, like, fucking murder here,” the speaker could be heard remarking in the video.

He then could be heard in the video asking the crowd what they wanted to do. Some in the crowd could be heard saying they wanted those filming to leave. Another eventually could be heard suggesting standing in front of them. One of the two men accompanying Buckley could be heard asking why members of the group appeared to be afraid of being recorded as the event took place.

One person could be seen in the video walking over, then sitting in front of the phone. Eventually, others could be seen coming over as one of Buckley’s companions questioned what was going on.

The video shows the situation escalating to the point where a crowd appears to form around the three, chanting pro-Palestine slogans before the camera begins moving around and audio of what sounds like a struggle could be heard.

Buckley told WLOS she started to record the session because she did not feel safe. “I just though it would be safer to livestream what was happening,” she reportedly said.

“We didn’t want to provoke anything,” Moritz told the outlet. “We were there just to listen.”

Buckley told WLOS the violence started when one person from the crowd snatched her phone and she tried to retrieve it.

“I jumped on her to get my phone back. There was a swarm of dozens of people that attacked me, and then Bob and David came to try to help me and then they were swarmed and attacked also,” she reportedly alleged. “They were hitting me, punching me, punching my wrists, stomping on my ankles. Somebody choked me with something.”

Moritz uploaded a video of his own on Instagram showing the bruises to his face from the alleged assault. He described attending the event, adding that he was also recording it. He then corroborated Buckley’s description of the alleged acts against them.

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Campbell, the aged veteran, alleged that he was pushed to the floor, stomped on and assaulted, according to The Algemeiner. The local police issued a statement on Facebook saying they were investigating the matter and had arrested one person for “two counts of Resisting, Delay, and Obstruct.”

“The investigation into the robbery and assault is ongoing,” the police press statement read.