
NASA Has The Right Idea On What To Do With Pride Flags

(Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

Gage Klipper Commentary & Analysis Writer
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NASA knows what to do with the Pride flag: send them all to space.

Thankfully, the unholy month of June is over, but that didn’t stop the clowns running America’s space program from getting in one last hoorah.

As June wound down, the Director of NASA’s Johnson Space Center tweeted a celebration of a very special Pride flag. Forget about the American flag Buzz Aldrin planted on the moon, the first Pride flag to enter Earth’s orbit is now on display for pagan worship.

Yes, the idiots at NASA really sent a Pride flag into space. So stunning, so brave — it really is a “powerful symbol.” I guess they wanted to let the aliens know how sexually liberated they are; the bath house is getting a little boring with just humans. Unfortunately, a superior space being would probably see the Pride flag and just decide to obliterate us all.

This is certainly a Giant Leap Forward, but not for the reason they think. We have the know-how. We have the capability. It’s clear what we must do. The Pride flag has been a scourge on the human race for far too long. It’s time to send them all into space… and just hope there’s no one out there to discover our shame.

If only there was room for the parades as well…