
Regime Media Realizes It’s Been Lying This Whole Time (Again)

(Photo by Allison Joyce/Getty Images)

Gage Klipper Commentary & Analysis Writer
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Another day, another “right-wing media disinformation campaign” proven true.

By now, it’s no surprise that the self-appointed arbiters of truth in the corporate media frequently arrive late to the story, often by years. School closures, masks and vaccines were critically necessary for years, the media maintained, until they weren’t. Lockdowns worked, the media assured us, until they didn’t. Hunter’s laptop was disinformation, until it wasn’t. Now, the media has finally realized what Americans have known all along: President Joe Biden is physically and mentally unfit to serve another four years as president.

There’s a common strain in each story. While the corporate press worked to ignore these stories or relegate them to the machinations of the censorship regime, independent media had got them right, each time, from the very start.

Independent journalists were treated as pariahs for years, as they pointed out the low-risk children face from COVID and the excessive harm of keeping schools closed. But 2024, The New York Times had its own misgivings on school closures, reclaiming it as a respectable topic of conservation.

Pointing out the many studies (as well as common sense) casting doubt on the efficacy of masks was enough to get independent journalists banned from social media, until CNN felt comfortable blasting the findings of the Cochrane review on masks out to its brainwashed readership in 2023. Welcome back to reality.

And of course we all know what happened with the “laptop from hell.”

The sudden realization that Biden is too weak to carry on is just the latest, if not the most brazen, iteration of this sequence. Biden’s performance in the presidential debate was bad, but predictably so. He huffed, puffed and gaffed, appeared confused and slack-jawed, and his soft-spoken exhaustion was only occasionally interrupted by flashes of anger. Anyone who’s followed independent media coverage of the Biden administration already knew that this was the only possible outcome of putting him on the debate stage; he performed exactly how he has the past three years. But all in unison, the corporate decided to be shocked.

On the verge tears, Van Jones set the tone of the CNN post-debate show, as the rest of the panel catastrophized right along with him. The next day, The New York Times editorial board called on Biden to step down. A slew of other no-less-respectable outlets quickly followed suit. The Washington Post editorial board even wrote a preemptive withdrawal speech in Biden’s voice. Where have they all been these past three years? (RELATED: ROOKE: The Party Running On Saving Democracy Wants To Rig Their Election)

Well, they’ve been working overtime to silence or delegitimize any independent journalists who dared say what they now all are saying. Only two weeks ago, it was “cheap fake” videos put out by dishonest right-wing media that only Biden appear to look old and frail. Now, he must step down for the sake of Our Democracy™.

“How do they always get it so wrong for so long ?” is the wrong question to ask. The right question to ask is “Why do the ‘mistakes’ always go in the same way?”

The answer lies in the same reason that independent journalism is now, through no fault of its own, effectively just conservative media. Corporate journalists work with their own distinct set of ideologies and interests. All  funneled through the same few journalism schools, they develop similar worldviews propagated by a leftist understanding of the role of media. More importantly, their professional ambitions and interests dictate saddling up to the permanent, liberal regime. Toe the party line, protect your benefactors and attack their enemies, and enjoy the life of a feted Beltway insider. (RELATED: Biden Tells Dem Governors He’s Fine Except For His ‘Brain’)

As they set about delegitimizing everyone who does not toe the party, all remaining independent voices then get pushed into the box of “conservative media,” a convenient Boogeyman for the regime. This then becomes self-reinforcing. Simple facts relevant to all Americans, like critical healthcare information or the incapacity of the president, get suppressed by the corporate-liberal press, rendering them “right-wing stories” to the broader public and making them poisonous for smaller outlets or ambition journalists to touch. As this repeats over and over, the camps broaden out and become even more irreconcilable.

So in a way, this is a victory lap for conservative media. Yet again, we have been proven right — and our adversaries have been revealed as the liars that they are. However, it’s not about us. It’s about the American people.

The average independent conservative media consumer is much better informed about the world than your typical corporate media consumers. Sorry to the Times subscriber reclining in his Eames lounge chair in Tribeca, but the MAGA-grandma trucker has a more sophisticated knowledge of current events. With the media’s brazenly overdue acknowledgement of Biden’s condition, we can be hopeful that more Americans will start to realize this— and we can begin to repair the polarization that has been inflicted.

The self-appointed arbiters of truth can only be trusted to sell you the opposite of what they promise. Meanwhile, if you want hard-hitting news before anyone else, tune in to your trusty, independent journalists her at the Daily Caller.