
ROOKE: Swing-State Candidate Gives Republicans Clear-Cut Plan To End Kamala’s Momentum

Photo by Jim Vondruska/Getty Images

Mary Rooke Commentary and Analysis Writer
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A new political ad gives Republicans the perfect 2024 election blueprint for victory.

Vice President Kamala Harris is riding a massive momentum wave since the Democrats anointed her to lead the presidential ticket. Former President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt and led a massively successful GOP convention. All the signs pointed toward a Republican blowout in November until Democrats kicked President Biden to the curb. The race seemed to change overnight from a Trump landslide to a sure win for Harris.

The support behind Harris is not because people genuinely believe she is competent and will lead Americans to a more prosperous time. It’s simply because she isn’t Joe Biden. She’ll have thousands of Gen Z voters who were unenthusiastic about stumping for Biden out knocking on doors and filling phone banks– not to mention the full-court press from the media regime pumping out fresh “she’s our savior” narratives on a 24-hour loop. (ROOKE: RNC Speech Exposed Something About Trump Americans Hardly See)

Her base doesn’t care that she slept her way into office or failed out of the presidential primary before it even hit Iowa. They find her cackle-filled, garbled speeches endearing. This part of her campaign will make her a true contender and something Republicans shouldn’t mock or take lightly.

However, there is still a lot of time between now and November. Republican Senate candidate Dave McCormick came out swinging in his new campaign ad against his opponent, Democrat Sen. Bob Casey, showing the perfect way to attack Harris.

White House reporter for Real Clear Politics reposted the video, saying, “Republican operative texts me this McCormick ad and says, ‘What voters down ballot will be seeing in every Senate race from NV to PA until November.'”

This ad works so well because it’s all about policy. Republicans aren’t going to reach the voters camping out for Palestine, but they can bring suburban families back down to earth by reminding them about where Harris stands on the issues that affect their lives most.

Harris is radically pro-open borders, supports anti-energy policies that make filling up with gas painful, and has no problem with the radical gender and race ideologies in our schools. She will continue to allow all the harmful policies that wrecked the economy and sparked several wars.

Republicans have to hammer this narrative home. They can’t win if their fight becomes about who is more virtuously correct. Our nation doesn’t care about human dignity, nor does it worry itself with the shame of degenerate sexuality. I wish it were different, but it’s not. We have become devoid of morality.

Focus on her policy, not her cackle.