Stimulus money hires 15,000 Georgia teens, but 35,000 remain out of luck  |

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Uncle Sam put 15,000 Georgia kids to work last week in a $50 million summer jobs program for low-income teens that should help struggling families cover their bills.

But there were only so many jobs to go around and another 35,000 kids who applied for positions were out of luck.

Too make matters worse, a complex bureaucratic method for handing out the jobs left many of the still-unemployed confused as to why they didn’t get jobs and why they didn’t hear about it from state or local officials.

Worse, at least 50 Atlanta kids who thought they had jobs showed up for work last week only to discover that they had been misled. Georgia’s Department of Human Services (DHS) is investigating the relationship between a non-profit intermediary that attempted to match the teens with the jobs.

Full story: Stimulus money hires 15,000 Georgia teens, but 35,000 remain out of luck  |