61-year-old woman halts the bloodshed, grabs clip from gunman

Vince Coglianese Contributor
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Patricia Maisch looks like a grandmother, but she is being hailed as a hero today for helping to stop alleged Tucson shooter Jared Loughner by wrestling away a fresh magazine of bullets as he tried to reload.

Maisch, 61, effectively disarmed the shooter as several men pounced on him and threw him to ground. As they struggled to hold him down, Maisch joined the scrum on the ground, clinging to the gunman’s ankles.

Maisch and her fellow heroes — identified as Bill Badger, Roger Sulzgeber and Joseph Zimudie — stopped the carnage after 20 people were shot, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Six people died.

“[I] knew right away it was a gun… I heard a continuation of shots,” Maisch told a news conference today.

Full Story: Patricia Maisch Describes Stopping Gunman From Reloading – ABC News