DC Trawler

Andrew Sullivan has a memory like… oh, that one thing, what’s it called

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Sarah Palin is simultaneously a washed-up nonentity and the gravest threat to democracy in the history of the United States, which is why Andrew Sullivan is still obsessed with the hilarious conspiracy theory that she faked her pregnancy while a sitting state governor. Take it away, Pejman Yousefzadeh:

The Inspector Javert of Trig Palin’s matrilineal line takes on Dave Weigel for Weigel’s argument that Trig Trutherism stories “have been flogged to death by reporters” with the following:

I have no evidence that these stories have been “flogged to death” by reporters. Does Weigel? Pray tell. Who? For what outlet? He’s a reporter and he admits he never bothered to look into this – because the Democrats hadn’t made it an issue!

Sullivan’s right, but not for the reasons he thinks. The media and Democrats have not flogged this issue to death because the entire issue is nucking futs, as is anyone who is as obsessed with it as Sullivan is.

But here’s the funniest thing Sullivan is saying, and possibly the funniest thing he’s ever said, in a decades-long career of saying unintentionally funny things:

There was no vetting of this rogue candidate. The usual mechanism to filter lunatics and hoaxers out of public life was missing.

There was no vetting of Sarah Palin? The vetting started the minute McCain said “Here she is, folks,” and it hasn’t stopped for one second. I don’t remember any other politician in my lifetime being so relentlessly scrutinized. Is Andrew Sullivan lying, insane, or merely brain-damaged? I suppose all three are possible. If he keeps going on and on about how crazy Sarah Palin is, his next job will be at IMAX as a projector.