I’ve given my fair share of speeches — often for free (in fairness, the Frederick, MD Rotary Club did buy me lunch).
But turns out that if you have a brand, a compelling message, can speak well, and can get plugged into a speakers’ bureau (that can get you into the insurance convention network) — public speaking can be quite lucrative.
I wanted to know more, so I talked to Jane Atkinson, an expert who has coached people to become professional speakers (including boxing legend Sugar Ray Leonard) and is the author of “The Wealthy Speaker.”
During our conversation, Atkinson shared tips on how to develop the right attitude, how to craft a speech, how to promote yourself, and how to get plugged into the professional speaking world (she has also worked as an agent).
If you’d like to learn how to be a professional speaker (or just be a better speaker), listen to our full conversation here. Or subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.