
Gingrich ‘a delusional loser’ says ‘Morning Joe’ co-host Mike Barnicle

Jeff Poor Media Reporter
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Remember earlier this year when civil discourse was en vogue in the wake of Arizona Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ shooting in Tucson? That theme has eroded somewhat over the past several months.

On Thursday’s “Morning Joe” on MSNBC, Mika Brzezinski asked her co-host Mike Barnicle if former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich’s run would “reignite hope” for the Republican Party.  And that led Barnicle, the once-accused plagiarist who resigned his position at the Boston Globe in the wake of those charges, to go off a diatribe about the former House Speaker.

“Well, they better hope not,” Barnicle said. “He is a delusional loser with an intellectual chip on his shoulder. That might be his biggest handicap in terms of the public. He has this habit, this way of prattling on about all of the ideas, all of the new ideas that he comes up with for our political system. And it’s because probably he went to like East Overshoe College or something and wants to prove that he’s smarter than anybody from the Northeast – from Harvard. He is just ridiculous. This is ridiculous. His candidacy is a joke.”
