Ann Coulter, secretly reasonable

Mickey Kaus Columnist
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My campaign to prove that Ann Coulter is secretly reasonable gains new steam with this Ricochet podcast. I get to her right a couple of times. …

P.S.–In the Esprit d’ Ricochet Dept: I do think Coulter implicitly concedes that Obamacare is not that bad when she analogizes Romneycare to a state law that she wouldn’t want on a federal level.

Romney supported the idea of other states doing something along the lines of his health care bill, but always opposed insurance mandates from the federal government (just as I oppose the federal government issuing general laws about rape, but support state laws against rape.)

If Romneycare were that bad Coulter wouldn’t say, in effect, ‘It’s awful at the federal level.’ She’d say ‘It’s awful!’  And if it’s like a law against rape, it’s kinda good, no? … At least, Coulter writes, it’s not “the worst possible sin a Republican candidate could commit.”

So reasonable!

Mickey Kaus