TheDC Morning: Holder is a great holder of documents

Jamie Weinstein Senior Writer
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1.) Holder is a great holder of documents — He may ordinarily be fast and furious, but when it comes to providing documents to Rep. Darrell Issa, Attorney General Eric Holder is more unhurried and sedated. TheDC’s Matthew Boyle reports:

“A contempt of Congress citation targeting Attorney General Eric Holder, which was released on Thursday, details exactly what Operation Fast and Furious-related information he has refused to provide to Congress. House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa subpoenaed 22 categories worth of information about Fast and Furious from Holder on Oct. 12, 2011. According to Issa’s contempt of Congress citation draft, he hasn’t provided any documents for 13 out of the 22 categories. In a briefing paper accompanying the Holder contempt citation, Issa said that Holder hasn’t ‘completely fulfilled any of the 10 categories for which documents have been produced.’”

It’s almost like he is trying to hide something.

2.) Democrats for states’ rights — It’s not often you hear a San Francisco liberal push for the president to respect states’ rights, but that’s what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is arguing, reports TheDC’s Steven Nelson:

“House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi wants President Barack Obama to lay off the weed. Reacting to an ongoing crackdown on medical marijuana facilities in California, Pelosi said in a Wednesday statement, ‘I have strong concerns about the recent actions by the federal government that threaten the safe access of medicinal marijuana to alleviate the suffering of patients in California.’ The California Democrat said that medical marijuana is ‘both a medical and a states’ rights issue.’”

It may come more infrequently than Halley’s Comet, but Nancy Pelosi got something right. Here here, former Madame Speaker.

3.) Ayotte for VP? — A top politico says freshman Sen. Kelly Ayotte would make a great VP pick for Mitt, reports TheDC’s Alex Pappas:

“New Hampshire Speaker of the House William O’Brien told The Daily Caller that Mitt Romney would be “making a good selection” if he chose Sen. Kelly Ayotte as his running mate. ‘I think she would be a good selection for Gov. Romney,’ O’Brien, a Republican, said in an interview Thursday. ‘She’s a really capable individual.'”

On one hand, she’s so young and so new to the Senate. On the other hand, so is Marco Rubio and he is considered a legit contender!  

4.) Know thy enemy — Listen to them (or in this case him), says NOW and Media Matters, reports TheDC’s Caroline May:

‘”Start listening to Rush Limbaugh.’ That was the unexpected message representatives from Media Matters for America and the National Organization for Women delivered to NOW chapter leaders in a secret, narrowly focused strategy session Wednesday night. In audio of the NOW/MMFA strategy webinar obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller, the liberal organizations plotted the best ways to get the radio giant and veritable burr in their collective saddles off the air.”

NOW will likely NEVER win this battle. El Rushbo is just too big and too powerful — and too popular.

5.) Poll of the Day: Tester in trouble — Rasmussen poll of Montana U.S. Senate race: Incumbent Democratic Sen. Jon Tester 43%, Republican Denny Rehberg 53%.

6.) Tweet of Yesterday — Philip Klein: Debt/GDP ratio on pace to hit 195% by time #Julia turns 24. (By comparison, Greece’s is at 165%)

VIDEO: Sean Hannity takes down Occupy activists 

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Jamie Weinstein