
Liberal group satirizes ‘birthers,’ demands proof Romney is not a unicorn

Meagan Clark Contributor
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The liberal group Left Action has collected 19,000 emails and counting demanding Arizona officials verify that Romney is not a unicorn, according to CNN.

The campaign pokes fun at the continuing efforts by “birthers” to bring into question the legitimacy of President Barack Obama‘s citizenship.

“I feel like we’ve tried logic with the birthers for too long,” Left Action founder John Hlinko told CNN Wednesday. “Now it’s time to take their arguments to the logical extreme to show how absurd they are.”

Without proof that Romney is not a unicorn, he may indeed be a unicorn, Left Action argues with satire, and therefore ineligible for the presidency.

Conservatives and concerned citizens questioned whether Obama was born in the U.S. before his election in 2008. If he was not, he would not be eligible to be president according to the Constitution.

The White House released Obama’s long-form birth certificate from Hawaii in 2011, after real estate magnate Donald Trump and others repeatedly drew attention to the issue.

Trump recently referred to Obama’s birth as a matter of opinion rather than fact in a CNN interview with Wolf Blitzer.

Romney said Monday he believes Obama was born in the United States, and the Romney campaign has said Obama supporters are using the “birthers” to distract from a high unemployment rate, according to CNN.

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