DC Trawler

Everything you need to know about Candy Crowley

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At first she was like:

But then she was like:

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Before the debate, we were told that Candy Crowley wasn’t going to sit there like a potted plant. True. She sat there like an Obama plant.

Obama lied, and is still lying, about terrorists murdering our ambassador to Libya on 9/11/12. He lied about what the U.S. knew about imminent threats in Libya. He lied about how it happened. He lied about why it happened. He lied about how he has reacted to it. He lied about everything.

And when Mitt Romney called him on it in front of the whole world, the “moderator” bailed Obama out.

Just in case you’re still confused:

Oh, hey, there’s Candy Crowley. How about that.

Despite Crowley’s best efforts as “moderator,” though, Obama lost the debate. Again. Well, at least he was hostile and petulant, instead of just sullen and petulant. That’s why dumb people think he won.

Obama just is not good at this. Being president, I mean.

Update: Crowley interrupted Romney 28 times and Obama 9 times. But other than that…

Update: When Romney called out Obama’s lies and incompetence on Benghazi, and Crowley said stuff about it that wasn’t true, the audience broke the rules by applauding. And guess who got them started? Michelle Obama. After all, why would she think the rules apply to her? They never have before.

Update: Comedy gold.

“They all like Romney. Call it a draw!”