“The American people deserve a meaningful and transparent debate about gun laws before those who seek further Second Amendment restrictions use procedural tricks and back-room deals to push through controversial legislation.”
WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee lauded the growing support in the Senate for protecting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. Thirteen senators have now signed a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announcing they will object to any new gun legislation that restricts the rights of Americans or leads to government surveillance of constitutionally protected activity.
“The more people learn about the consequences of current gun control proposals, the less they will support the new restrictions,” said Sen. Lee, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. “The proposals serve primarily to limit the rights of law-abiding citizens, while doing little – if anything – to reduce violent crimes. Senators have an obligation both to uphold the Constitution and to promote solutions that effectively address national problems. The current gun control proposals fail both tests.”
A recent national poll showed a 10 percent drop in the number of Americans who support additional gun control. Just 47% support greater gun restrictions, while 50% of the country wants to keep the laws the same or make them less strict.
Two weeks ago, Senators Lee, Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Ted Cruz of Texas announced their intention to force a 60-vote threshold to consider any new gun legislation. They have been joined by Senators Rubio, Inhofe, Moran, Burr, Johnson, Enzi, Risch, Crapo, Coats, and Roberts. A copy of the letter with the updated signatures can be seen here.
“We believe that any new restrictions on gun rights should require a bipartisan majority. The American people deserve a meaningful and transparent debate about gun laws before those who seek further Second Amendment restrictions use procedural tricks and back-room deals to push through controversial legislation,” Lee added.
Senator Lee also announced his effort to reach out to the American people and get their opinions on the new gun measures. His “Protect2A” project will allow more Americans to have their voices heard through his website and several social media outlets.
“Americans know the true meaning and purpose of the Second Amendment is to guarantee our right to self-defense in our system of self-government. We’re asking citizens to share their stories about what the Second Amendment means to them and why they feel the Senate should protect their rights,” explained Lee.
Americans can email Senator Lee directly and share their thoughts here: http://www.lee.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/protect-2a
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