
They’re coming to haunt Michael Barone

Mickey Kaus Columnist
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Honey, it’s those people Michael Barone told us not to worry about. They’ve made Drudge: It’s official–illegal immigration on the Southern Border has seemingly started to increase again. I’m sure all the talk of amnesty (and Obama’s executive actions stopping or slowing enforcement against children and parents) has nothing to do with it. …

P.S.: Note that even if the mild U.S. economic recovery is the sole cause of the increase, that would seem to confirm that a job market most Americans regard as pretty crappy can still be highly appealing to millions of potential illegal entrants from poorer nations, some (e.g. those in Central America) within walking distance. …

P.P.S.: In the A.P.’s account, Douglass Massey, anti-enforcement co-director of the Mexican Migration Project, admits, “Labor demand in the U.S. is still slack and wages are eroding, whereas there are jobs in Mexico and wages are slowly rising as labor force growth there decelerates.”  … Too bad the same small labor force/tight labor market that is raising Mexican wages couldn’t possibly work here in the U.S.. …


Why Bill Doesn’t Sleep With Hillary: New York magazine on the Clinton’s marriage:

 Though they spoke frequently by phone, Bill and Hillary were rarely in the same country. By chance, their paths crossed in Bogotá, where they had dinner together—then, owing to their massive entourages, returned to their respective hotels. “Love conquers all except logistics,” says an aide.

I buy that explanation, don’t you? Logistics over love! Good to see New York’s journalists strip away the veneer of BS and get to the truth of the matter. …


Mickey Kaus