The Mirror

Morning Mirror

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Quote of the Day:

@PaulBegala Begala tell ur Obama to cancel flights from Ebola countries. Ok u little weasel looking Rat.” — Paul N.

Late night bedtime story: weapons of mass destruction 

Benjy works for and Brad is an NRSC strategist. 

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The Observer

“I’m sure if we hadn’t invaded Iraq things would’ve been super peaceful in the Middle East. That’s what they’re known for over there Peace.” — RedState‘s Ben Howe.

OOPS: At least spell the senator’s name right, right? 

“Haven’t yet heard from McConell’s campaign as to whether he supports keeping federal subsidies for KY’s coverage expansion.” — HuffPost White House correspondent Sam Stein. He’s referring to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

But actually my favorite Sam Stein tweet this week so far is this…

“Just an unrelenting stream of Viagra ads on MSNBC today.” — SS.

The astute gift giver

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Please speak to this journo in French only 

“I wasn’t required to take any college competency in a foreign language. Try striking up a convo with me in French. I dare you.” — Townhall‘s Kevin Glass.

At the Heritage Foundation…

“One of the wifi networks at the heritage foundation is ‘Intern_Housing'” — WaPo‘s Ben Terres.

Journo Vs. Cabbie 

“Won another game of ‘I’ll pretend my cab can’t take credit cards’ vs. ‘then I’ll pretend I don’t have any cash’ #undefeated” — Joshua Green, Bloomberg Businessweek.

Gchat: Exposed 

“50% of my gchats are just ‘ugh [link]’ or ‘people are dumb [link]’ — HuffPost‘s Elise Foley.

Advice for NBC’s Nancy Snyderman: ‘Learn how to cook.’ 

“Nancy Snyderman needs to be fired immediately. She risked the health of Americans over soup. Learn how to cook.” — GotNewsCharles C. Johnson.