According to Larry Pratt, the Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, Second Amendment supporters are telling him the “Republican Party is an enormous disappointment.”
He continued, “People elected them to come and stop Barack Obama. They said that was the one thing they would do.”
“They are the most spineless group of urchins that ever could have been imagined,” Pratt declared. “They signed up for the job and now they’re MIA.”
Pratt is calling for more primary challenges to the Republicans who said one thing and then changed when they got to Washington. He thinks “we need 100 more like David Brat,” the college professor who campaigned, challenged and beat Eric Cantor in a primary last June.
Filmed the day after two police officers were shot in Ferguson, Pratt believes the left must bear some responsibility for such violence. A war on law enforcement has surfaced as we see some “conducting a campaign of hate, directing it against police. It’s as if there is an officially sanctioned pogrom against police officers now.”
In this video interview with The Daily Caller, Pratt also discusses his testy interview with CNN’s Piers Morgan following the horrendous Sandy Hook shooting.
The resolute gun advocate is “proud to be an enemy of the left” as it “feels good…because I’m doing what I am supposed to be doing.”
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