Appearing on ABC’s “The View,” “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski said Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s refusal to take questions from the press was “frustrating,” and urged the Clinton campaign to “let the woman talk.” (VIDEO: Morning Joe Panel: Hillary’s New Poll Numbers Are ‘Terrible,’ ‘Crushingly Bad’)
“You have stood out in the media for being tougher on her than I think Republicans thought media would be on Hillary Clinton,” host Nicolle Wallace noted. “Why?”
“I just think there are some interesting tough questions that need to be answered, and I find it frustrating that it’s very hard to get over the moat,” Brzezinski responded.
“The moat is the Clinton world, where you’re either in or you’re outside the moat,” she explained. “And I would love [if] it wouldn’t be so hard to be able to ask questions.”
“I would say let her go,” she said to applause. “She’s capable of answering the questions, get out of her way. Bill, get out of her way, staff get out of her way. Let the woman talk!” (RELATED: The New York Times Really Wants Hillary To Answer A Freaking Question)