A women’s studies professor at the University of Maryland, College Park has used her Twitter account to call for legislation to restrict the actions of males because of their masculinity.
The taxpayer-funded professor is Ashwini Tambe. The tweet is the highlight among a set of Tambe’s outrageous tweets compiled by the website SoCawlege.com.
Here is a screenshot of Tambe’s May 2014 tweet demanding “men control”:
Earlier this year, the professor compared conservative U.S. radio commentator Rush Limbaugh to the writers of the far-left French satire magazine Charlie Hebdo and suggested that she would feel “uneasy” if people were to defend Limbaugh’s freedom to speak freely if terrorists “bombed” his radio show’s headquarters.
Also earlier this year, Tambe suggested that Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s grossly fraudulent campus rape story in Rolling Stone magazine rang “true” — even though it was quickly exposed as fiction — because “#campusrapeculture is a thing.” (RELATED: Here Are EIGHT Campus Rape Hoaxes Eerily Like The UVA Rape Story)
The public-school professor has also endorsed lowering the voting age in the United States to 16. “Why not?” she asks. (RELATED: Let 16-Year-Olds Vote, Says Professor Who Urged Progressives To Keep Youth Vote ‘BEHIND OBAMA’)
At the same time, about a year prior to her hearty advocacy for childhood voting, Tambe steered her 130 followers to an article she co-authored in an obscure feminist journal concerning feminist support for laws in India banning marriage for anyone under 18.
Other missives of interest among Tambe’s 252 tweets include braggadocio about the 2015 election victory in Greece achieved by Syriza, a far-left coalition of socialists, communists and Eurosceptics. Germany will be the next European country where anti-European nationalist and socialist parties will control parliament, the professor predicted.
According to her faculty webpage at the University of Maryland website, Tambe specializes in a handful of areas including “transnational feminist theory” and modern South Asian history. The focus of her academic career is the regulation of sexual practices in South Asia. For this work she has a taxpayer-funded grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. In her free time, she enjoys funk, jazz and Chinese brush painting.
Tambe’s ratings at Rate My Professors (from a previous stint at Georgetown University) range from good to hideously terrible.
Happy students call the professor “demanding but passionate” and “really helpful at office hours.”
Critics call Tambe “a good example of why” American college education “sucks.”
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