
Obama To Heckler At WH: ‘Hey, Listen, You Are In My House’

Kerry Picket Political Reporter
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WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama was interrupted by an immigration heckler Wednesday in the East Room of the White House as the he delivered remarks about the Supreme Court upcoming decision on same-sex marriage.

According to a White House pool report, the heckler shouted, “no more deportations!” at Obama.

Obama responded, “You know know what? It’s not respectful when you get invited to somebody[‘s house]. You are not going to get a good response from me by interrupting me like this. Shame on you, you shouldn’t be doing this.”

The crowd began to boo and shushing the individual until President Obama asked for the person to be removed.

“Can we escort this person out? Can we have this person removed please,” said the president. “As a general rule, I am just fine with a few hecklers but not when I am up in the house,” he added to laughter from the crowd. “If you are eating the hors d’oeuvres, know what I’m sayin’?, and drinking the booze…”

The president spoke for 15 minutes to the group that was described to be 200 people supporting his LGBT policies. He told attendees that whatever the decision is handed down by the court, the country had come a long way.