
Rubio Bombs Biden: ‘He Would Be A Disastrous Commander In Chief’ [AUDIO]

Christian Datoc Senior White House Correspondent
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Sen. Marco Rubio told radio host Hew Hewitt Thursday that even though Joe Biden is the “experienced hand in foreign policy,” the vice president would “be a disastrous commander in chief.”

RUBIO: Yeah, he has a lot of experience being wrong… He was wrong, he didn’t want to do the bin Laden raid. It’s been documented. He was against the bin Laden raid. He’s been wrong time and again on issue after issue. You know, he was a huge fan of the reset with Russia. He’s got a personal friendship with the president of China that he brags about. A guy that he told basically that we talk about human rights for domestic, political purposes, but we don’t really mean it. We’re not going to let human rights get in the way of closer relations between our countries or get in the way of, for example, discussions on climate change. So, Joe Biden is actually a very nice person, but he’s been wrong on every major foreign policy issue before this country over the last 20 years. He would be a disastrous commander in chief.


[h/t: Right Scoop]

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