
RedState Editor To Rand Paul: ‘Take Your Campaign Out Back And Shoot It’

Christian Datoc Senior White House Correspondent
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In an op-ed published Thursday morning, RedState.com editor Erick Erickson told Republican presidential candidate [crscore]Rand Paul[/crscore] that “it is time to take [his] campaign out back and shoot it.”

“This whole thing is embarrassing,” Erickson said in reference to Paul’s Wednesday live-stream. “Paul should be a candidate reflecting on serious issues within the Republican Party,” and not someone who tries to compete with “reality TV star” Donald Trump for ratings.

Additionally, he noted that Paul’s campaign finances appear to be in total disarray. “One of Rand Paul’s Super PAC’s has already closed up shop… and in other news, the head of the Rand Paul Super PAC that has not thrown in the towel already is under indictment.” (RELATED: SuperPAC Pulls Plug On Paul’s Presidential Push)

Erickson closed by saying that though he’s a Paul fan, the only thing the Kentucky senator “is now doing in the race is serving as a future George Washington University campaign management class hypothetical in how not to run a Presidential campaign.”

Despite Erickson’s call for Paul to drop out of the race, Paul’s campaign released a memo later Thursday morning declaring he has no plans to halt campaigning. (RELATED: Paul Campaign Releases Memo Explaining Why He Won’t Drop Out Of Race)

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