
Limbaugh Praises Trump’s Plan To Negotiate Directly With Networks On Debates: ‘This Is What A Leader Would Do’ [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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Rush Limbaugh says Donald Trump’s plan to negotiate the debates directly with the TV networks, instead of joining with the other republican candidates “is what a leader would do.”

On “The Rush Limbaugh Show” on Tuesday, the radio host argued that, “There is no revolt. What’s happening here is that Trump said, the heck with you guys, I’m not joining you guys. I’m going to talk to the network myself, I’ve got my own plans and I’m going to talk to the networks on my own.”

Limbaugh criticized how CNN was covering the development in the story insisting, “It’s the way this crap gets reported.” Blasting CNN’s narrative, he said, “of course, the story is made to look like the Republicans are once again flailing away and disorganized and can’t unify and can’t work together and can’t seek a common goal. And if the Republicans can’t work together, even among themselves, then how can they possibly work together with the Democrats and move this country forward.”

Limbaugh insisted, “There is no revolt. What’s happening here is that Trump said, the heck with you guys, I’m not joining you guys. I’m going to talk to the network myself, I’ve got my own plans and I’m going to talk to the networks on my own. And, once again, this is what a leader would do. Leaders don’t wait for committees. Leaders organize committees, tell other people to go to the meetings. The leader doesn’t. The leader gets a report on what went on at the meeting, but he doesn’t show up at them. Leaders don’t seek consensus among competitors before looking out for their own interests.” (RELATED: GOP Presidential Campaigns To Have More Negotiating Power With Networks)

Limbaugh argued that that the republican candidates that have united together “are individual candidates, they all happen to be Republicans, but Trump said the Hell with this, I’m going to forge my own deal with the networks. I’m not going to join this crowd. This crowd’s a bunch of losers. Why do I want to throw my hat in with a bunch of people who are going to end up being losers in this thing? And that’s his attitude about it.” (RELATED: Trump: More Candidates Should Drop Out So That I Have ‘More Time’ To Speak [VIDEO])

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