After multiple victories on Super Tuesday, Hillary Clinton called for building on Barack Obama’s legacy because “we’ve come too far to stop now, we’ve got to keep going.”
During an event in Miami, Florida, on Tuesday, Clinton took a shot at Donald Trump claiming, “We know we’ve got work to do [but] that work is not to make America great. America never stopped being great.”
“We have to make America whole,” Clinton said. “We have to fill in… what’s been hollowed out.” (RELATED: Watch Bernie Sanders’ Post Super Tuesday Speech [VIDEO])
Clinton later called for “more love and kindness because… it works.” (RELATED: Super Tuesday 2016 Democratic Results)
Instead of building walls, in another reference to Trump, Clinton said she wants to build “ladders of opportunity and empowerment.” (RELATED: Super Tuesday 2016 Republican Results)
Clinton called for building on Obamacare and “breaking down barriers.”