
NBC’s Lauer: Sanders Needs ‘A Side Order Of Reality’ For Breakfast After New York Beating [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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NBC “Today” show host Matt Lauer says that Bernie Sanders needs “a side order of reality” after Hillary Clinton beat him by 16 points in New York.

During Wednesday’s broadcast, Lauer said, “Let’s talk about Hillary Clinton. Obviously, a resounding victory, 16-point win over Bernie Sanders. If you’re Bernie Sanders waking up this morning for breakfast, you should be ordering, coffee, toast and a side order of reality. Is he the kind of guy though who knows when the game is over?”

“Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd replied, “I don’t know. It depends. If he got into the race the way a lot of people think he got into, which is just to be relevant, to lead a movement, to say, ‘Hey, my wing of the Democratic Party is a rising wing. You need to take notice.'”

If Sanders “looks at the playing field and says, ‘Hey, I’ve got a lot here, I pushed Hillary Clinton. I may lose the battle for the nomination but I might win the idealogical war.’ If that’s how he gets up this morning, that’s a healthy place to be,” Todd said.

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