
Poll Shows Where Trump Supporters And Other Republicans Agree

Alex Pfeiffer White House Correspondent
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The majority of Republican voters agree with Trump’s main policy stances with the one area of difference in being how much a role America should play in foreign affairs, according to a poll released Thursday.

In many of the areas where Republican voters in general and Trump supporters agree there is a wide margin in the degree of support. For example, Trump supporters overwhelmingly agree, 84 percent, that a wall should be built along the U.S border with Mexico. Among all Republicans, 67 percent agree with the proposal, and among those who supported a candidate other than Trump 56 percent support building a wall.

The one belief that Trump supporters stand alone in having is that the “U.S does too much to solve world problems.” Fifty-four percent of Trump supporters agree with this notion, 46 percent of all Republican and GOP leaning voters agree, and 40 percent on non-Trump supports agree. (RELATED: Donald Trump Unveils ‘America First’ Foreign Policy Stance)

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On immigration there is a split between non-Trump voters and the rest of the party. A majority of all Republican voters, 56 percent, and Trump supporters, 69 percent, agree that “immigrants today are a burden.” While 47 percent of non-Trump supporters think likewise.

Over half of Trump supporters, 52 percent believe that illegal immigrants should not be allowed to stay in the United States, however only 42 percent support a national effort to deport them. Republican voters in general think illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay, 41 percent believe they shouldn’t.

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There is strong agreement with Republicans across the boarder when it comes to ISIS. A majority of Republicans from each support group believe overwhelming military force is the most effective way to defeat terrorists.

While Trump is viewed as the least-hawkish candidate, his supporters are the most likely to support ground troops fighting ISIS. Seventy percent of Trump supporters are in favor of this, 67 percent of all Republicans are, and 66 percent on non-Trump Republicans favor a ground war against ISIS.

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With regards to free trade, Trump supporters are adamant in their opposition to recent agreements. Sixty percent believe trade deals have hurt their personal financial situation, 48 percent of all Republicans think likewise, as do 39 percent of non-Trump supporters.

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