
Bernie Supporters Continue To Refuse To Fall In Line Behind Hillary [VIDEO]

Alex Pfeiffer White House Correspondent
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An MSNBC panel of Bernie Sanders supporters Tuesday said they’re not ready to stop feeling the bern as Sanders continues his fight against Hillary Clinton despite the Associated Press calling the race for Clinton.

“She doesn’t have a humble bone in her body and she doesn’t understand why she’s not getting support from women of the country it’s because she’s not relatable,” Courtney Moore, a Sanders supporter told MSNBC. She added, “I’m part of the Bernie or bust movement, I will write his name in.”

MSNBC’s Chris Jansing finished the segment saying only two of the six people on the panel will support Clinton if Sanders loses the nomination, with two on the panel planning on protesting the July convention.

Sanders supporters have a reason to stick behind their man as the Vermont senator is refusing to give up the fight. At a rally Monday night in California, Sanders vowed to stick in the race. “If we can win here in California, win in South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, New Mexico, do well in New Jersey, we’re going to go into that [Democratic Party] convention with enormous momentum,” the Vermont senator said.

His surrogates panned the AP and NBC News for calling the race for Hillary Clinton seeing it as journalistic malpractice.

Some Sanders supporters on Twitter are also pushing the conspiracy theory that the AP victory for Clinton was a planned “secret victory.”

With the California primary on Tuesday and polls showing Clinton and Sanders close a win for Bernie could complicate the race for Clinton. Her campaign has been sending out emails to supporters bemoaning having to fight a two-front battle and it is looking like that might be the case until the July 25 convention.

Sanders did sound less extreme than his supporters on Monday, saying at a rally, “let’s assess where we are after tomorrow.”