
Google Autocomplete Search Results Favor Hillary Clinton

Google Search Box: Gil C/shutterstock.com, Donald Trump: Joseph Sohm/shutterstock.com

Alex Pfeiffer White House Correspondent
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Google’s autocomplete search results favor Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump when someone attempts to find out how they can vote for either candidate. Trump’s name is completely omitted from the autocomplete results.

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Google’s website explains that autocomplete results derive from where you are searching from, the terms you are searching, and what other people are searching. Daily Caller reporters in heavily-Republican and heavily-Democratic locations have gotten the same results as above.

Google pointed TheDC to a blog post that said: “Autocomplete isn’t an exact science, and the output of the prediction algorithms changes frequently. Predictions are produced based on a number of factors including the popularity and freshness of search terms.”

This bias towards Clinton does not appear when one searches “How do I vote for.”

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The release of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails by WikiLeaks revealed that Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google’s parent company, is working directly with the Clinton campaign. The emails also revealed that Podesta reached out to Schmidt to set up a meeting with campaign manager Robby Mook. (RELATED: Julian Assange: Google Is In Bed With Hillary’s Campaign)