
Trump Sings Paul Ryan’s Praises On Health Care Reform [VIDEO]

(Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

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Juliegrace Brufke Capitol Hill Reporter
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House Speaker Paul Ryan and President Donald Trump may have gotten off to a rocky start during the campaign, but it appears their working relationship is thriving.

Trump praised Ryan’s work on health care reform during an appearance on the Fox News Channel program “Fox and Friends” Tuesday, saying Congress is not at fault for people’s frustrations over their work to repeal and replace Obamacare.

“I think that Paul Ryan and his whole group have been terrific — I just left Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and, you know Paul is working very hard. You know healthcare is a very complex subject, if you do this it affects nine different things if you do that it affects 15 different things,” he said. “I think we have a great plan and I think Congress is absolutely taking a lot of blame, but it’s not their fault.”

Ryan explained that the House GOP proposal will be very similar to the plan put forth by Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price while he was still serving in the lower chamber.


While a number of conservatives, including Republican Study Committee Chairman Mark Walker and House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, have expressed hesitation towards the leaked draft bill’s language on tax credits, it appears the administration is embracing the plan.

Republicans have an ambitious agenda, including an ambitious tax reform plan, Trump said, adding that he has only been in office a short period of time.

“Don’t forget I have only been here four weeks. Somebody said he hasn’t done healthcare, they have been working on healthcare 30 years — I have only been here for what is this my fifth week,” Trump said. “And we’re set to propose a plan, and I will be talking about it as you know tonight. But we’re all set to do a plan. And I think it’s going to be something that’s going to be really respected.”

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