White House: 20,000 Pages Of Documents Provided To Special Counsel

REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

Chuck Ross Investigative Reporter
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President Trump’s legal team says it has provided Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office with 20,000 pages of documents related to the Russia investigation as part of what it says is an “unprecedented” level of cooperation.

In a list released on Thursday, Trump’s team says more than 20 White House personnel and 17 campaign members have met “voluntarily” with Mueller’s team and Congress.

“The cooperation and transparency are unprecedented,” reads a document provided to reporters.

The White House says that the 20,000 pages of documents provided to Mueller were culled from a review of more than 100,000 pages in all.

Just over 1,600 documents totaling around 5,000 pages regarding issues related to former national security adviser Michael Flynn and Russia were handed over along with 1,245 documents totaling nearly 7,800 pages on the topic of former FBI Director James Comey.

Mueller is said to be investigating possible obstruction of justice related to the firings of Flynn and Comey. Trump fired the former on Feb. 13, allegedly for lying to Vice President Mike Pence about contacts he had with Russia’s ambassador. Trump fired Comey on May 9, a move which paved the way for Mueller’s appointment.

The release of details of the White House document production could be another signal that Trump’s legal team believes that the Mueller investigation is wrapping up. On Wednesday, Trump told reporters that his lawyers have told him to expect to have an interview with Mueller in the next two or three weeks. (RELATED: Trump ‘Looking Forward’ To Meeting With Mueller)

Trump, who reiterated his denial that he obstructed justice or that his campaign colluded with Russians, also said that he was “looking forward” to meeting with Mueller. He also said that he was willing to testify under oath.

According to the White House fact sheet, the Trump campaign has produced more than 1.4 million documents to the special counsel, along with 28,000 documents to the congressional committees investigating Russian interference in the campaign.

The productions to Congress were made between May 17 and Sept. 29, according to the sheet.

And in addition to 17 campaign officials having met with investigators, another 11 campaign affiliates have also been interviewed.

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