
A Reporter Asks A Question About The New Steel Tariffs — Sarah Sanders Sends Him Back To The Iron Age

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Justin Caruso Contributor
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White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders responded to a question about President Trump’s planned tariffs at the press briefing Thursday, and she held back nothing.


Fox News Radio’s John Decker asked, “And I wanted to ask you about a comments and get your reaction to Ben Sasse put out a statement in regard to the tariffs, he said the president is proposing a massive tax increase on American families, protectionism is weak, not strong, and he concluded by writing you’d expect a policy this bad from a leftist administration, not a supposedly Republican one. Do you have a comment on that?”

“I don’t know that the president will or should ever apologize for protecting American workers,” Sanders said.

“And certainly not to Senator Sasse.”


Trump announced new tariffs Thursday, saying, “What’s been allowed to go on for decades is disgraceful. And when it comes to a time when our country can’t make aluminum and steel, and somebody said it before and I will tell you, you almost don’t have much of a country. Because without steel and aluminum, your country is not the same.” (RELATED: Trump Announces New Tariffs On Aluminum And Steel)

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