
‘Bitter, Fired Employee’ — Newt Gingrich Embarrasses James Comey

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Justin Caruso Contributor
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Newt Gingrich said that former FBI director James Comey was a “bitter, fired employee” on Fox News Thursday.


“James Comey is a bitter, fired employee who has a long record of aggrandizement,” Gingrich said. “I just learned yesterday he colluded with Chuck Schumer’s staff in 2007 to embarrass President Bush when he was an appointee of President Bush.”

“He did so to make himself look good. So I think we have to put anything Comey says in a box and realize this is a bitter guy who was fired publicly, who deeply resents President Trump. You have to balance whatever he says against that.”

Details from James Comey’s new book are beginning to emerge in the media, and they are not flattering to President Trump.

Among other things, Comey pokes fun at President Trump’s physical appearance:

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