
Reporter Calls Trump’s Doctor For A Quote – The Doctor Prescribes Him A Swerlie

Benny Johnson Columnist, Viral Politics
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President Trump’s former personal physician, Dr. Harold Bornstein, has been back in the news lately.

The infamous doctor became famous for his physical evaluation of Trump’s health during the campaign. Bornstein said in his report that Trump “will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.”

This week, Bornstein revealed to NBC News that Trump’s bodyguards entered his office to retrieve the President’s medical records after his election. He said he felt “raped, frightened and sad” when Trump’s bodyguards took the records. Sarah Sanders explained at a press conference that the confiscation of the president-elect’s medical records is a matter of national security and standard procedure.

An AP reporter reached out Wednesday to the colorful Bornstein for extra comment on the matter. He got a comment. The doctor told him to check his “toilet.”

“Oh, you’re a reporter? Well, go back and report on how your toilet bowl works,” the doctor said according to AP reporter Jon Lemire. Then hung up.


Just what the doctor ordered.

Benny Johnson