Joe Scarborough scolded The Daily Caller on his Thursday morning show for an article labeling him as “creepy” for attempting to hold his fiancé’s hand on-air despite her opposition.
“I think The Daily Caller said I was ‘creepy’ for trying to hold my fiancé’s hand,” Scarborough whined.
Mika agreed with The Daily Caller, telling Joe, “It is creepy.”
The MSNBC host was referencing an article published last Thursday that drew attention to Scarborough’s unwanted advances on Mika during a “Morning Joe” segment, in which he attempted to grab Mika’s hand. (RELATED: DENIED! — Mika Shuts Down Creepy Joe On Air)
Mika told Joe during last week’s segment, “Don’t do that. Not on the air. Not on the air!”
Joe became immediately bashful and turned to his panel for comfort, but found none.
This week, in an attempt to save himself from embarrassment, Scarborough claimed it was ironic that The Daily Caller labeled him as “creepy” but defends President Trump’s association with porn stars.