The New York Times’ newest editorial hire has a history of racist tweets against white people.
NYT announced on Wednesday that they hired Sarah Jeong to join their editorial board. Jeong previously wrote for the Verge and authored “The Internet of Garbage,” a book about online harassment and free speech.
Shortly after Jeong’s hire, Twitter users unearthed old tweets in which she expressed an extreme distaste for white people.
“Dumbass f**king white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants,” she tweeted in 2014.
Another tweet reads, “oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get from being cruel to old white men.”
Meet the newest member of the New York Times editorial board.
I’d say that these tweets were part of her resumè when she applied for the job.
— Garbage Human (@GarbageHuman_) August 2, 2018
Democrats have redefined racism precisely so people like Sarah Jeong can say racist things and still get jobs at the New York Times.
— Will Chamberlain (@willchamberlain) August 2, 2018
Look, if the New York Times wants to hand over their editorial page to someone who writes like every other brain-dead Wellesley sophomore grievance studies major, that’s their business
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) August 2, 2018
The New York Times has yet to comment on Jeong’s racist past, however some Twitter users pointed out that they previously fired Quinn Norton after learning that she had tweeted derogatory terms about black and gay people. Norton also allegedly had connections to white supremacists.
The @nytimes hired and hours later fired @quinnnorton after learning about her past tweets that were less nakedly racist than Jeong’s.
— Will Racke (@hwillracke) August 2, 2018
I don’t care about sarah jeong’s dumb old tweets but it’s the Times themselves who set this standard
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) August 2, 2018