
Pro-Life Group: ‘Shameful’ For Conservative Leader To Support Abortion On-Demand

David Krayden

David Krayden Ottawa Bureau Chief
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Canada’s pro-life movement  is furious about comments from Conservative Party of Canada leader Andrew Scheer supporting “the status quo of taxpayer-funded abortion on demand.”

Jack Fonseca, the communications director of the Campaign Life Coalition — Canada’s largest pro-life group — told The Daily Caller Monday that they “won’t stand for” Scheer’s capitulation on abortion policy.

On Saturday, speaking about abortion, Scheer told The Canadian Press, “I’ve made it very clear that, as prime minister, I will not reopen that debate. I will not introduce legislation to reopen divisive issues or to reopen issues that have already been settled by previous governments.”

Scheer then added that he didn’t want to be divisive: “I’m not going to bring in legislation, bring in proposals that would divide our own caucus, divide our own party and divide Canadians.”

Fonseca said pro-lifers can’t accept that. “Scheer’s excuse that re-opening the abortion debate ‘divisive’ because it ‘has been settled by previous governments’ is a terrible thing for a pro-life conservative to say. Why should he be supporting the decisions of a previous Liberal government who claimed it was settled when we all know it’s not?”
Fonseca questioned the strength of Scheer’s political and religious convitions. “At a personal level for Andrew, as someone who identifies as pro-life and who considers himself a faithful Catholic … it is absolutely shameful for him to support the status quo of taxpayer-funded, abortion-on-demand, throughout all nine months of pregnancy, for any reason or no reason at all,” he told The Daily Caller.
Fonseca also noted that the Conservative leader had no business talking to the media before the convention had voted on pro-life issues because it is “outrageous and out of line for the party leader to interfere in the grassroots policy process which, according to the constitution of the party, must ‘at all times be accountable to the members.’ Not to the Party Leader.”