
Pelosi And Schumer: ‘Trump Is Plunging The Country Into Chaos’

Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images

Mike Brest Reporter
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Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi issued a joint statement Monday alleging that President Donald Trump “is plunging the country into chaos.”

Democratic leadership released the statement in regards to the ongoing government shutdown. It began Friday night and midnight and won’t restart until Dec. 27 at the earliest. Recent reports say that the shutdown could last until early January.

“It’s Christmas Eve and President Trump is plunging the country into chaos. The stock market is tanking and the president is waging a personal war on the Federal Reserve — after he just fired the Secretary of Defense,” the statement from the Democratic leaders read. (RELATED: Trump Brawls Face-To-Face With Pelosi, Schumer Over Wall Funding)

US President Donald Trump, alongside Vice President Mike Pence (3L), meets with Congressional leadership. (SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)

It continued:

Instead off bringing certainty into people’s lives, he’s continuing the Trump Shutdown just to please right-wing radio and TV hosts. Meanwhile, different people form the same White House are saying different things about what the president would accept or not accept to end his Trump Shutdown, but her seems not to know how to get himself out if it. As long as the president his guided by the House Freedom Caucus, it’s hard to see how he can come up with a solution that can pass both the House and the Senate and end his Trump Shutdown.

Earlier this month, Schumer and Pelosi met with Trump and Vice President Mike Pence to discuss the wall in a televised meeting in the Oval Office.

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